Location Overview
The OneNZ Wellington Massey Uni ONZ W6WMU location is 24m high, has 3 licences associated, and is capable* of 4G LTE and 5G.
GIS Geek | LINZ | GMaps | Street View
Closest Towers
Provider | Location Name | Distance | Bearing |
Spark | Mt Cook | 206m | 330.16 |
OneNZ | Wellington Massey Uni | 28m | 162.34 |
2Degrees | Basin Reserve | 387m | 65.85 |
RCG | RWLMAA - Makara | 8.26km | 273.61 |
Licence Details
Close Cell IDs OneNZ MMC: 530 MNC: 1
Radio | Area | Cell | Distance from tower | Bearing from tower | Samples |
LTE | 43296 | 1104387 | 29m | 324.2 | 13 |
UMTS | 1402 | 26376857 | 84m | 342.71 | 5 |
GSM | 818 | 18632 | 114m | 136.32 | 12 |
UMTS | 1402 | 26345915 | 135m | 171.06 | 1 |
UMTS | 1402 | 26345921 | 140m | 102.94 | 3 |
UMTS | 1402 | 26345919 | 154m | 322.21 | 6 |