Location Overview
The 2Degrees Heidelberg location is 12m high, has 5 licences associated, and is capable* of 3G UMTS and 4G LTE.
Location Raw Name: (STH-075-005-H)[HDLB]_HEIDELBERG
GIS Geek | LINZ | GMaps | Street View
Closest Towers
Provider | Location Name | Distance | Bearing |
Spark | Heidelberg | 1.06km | 99.96 |
OneNZ | Invercargill Stadium | 786m | 320.91 |
2Degrees | Strathern | 1.22km | 37.07 |
RCG | RSLAWN - Awarua North | 8.19km | 177.73 |
Licence Details
Close Cell IDs 2Degrees MMC: 530 MNC: 24
Radio | Area | Cell | Distance from tower | Bearing from tower | Samples |
UMTS | 22220 | 452837 | 446m | 59.14 | 4 |
UMTS | 22220 | 432843 | 446m | 59.14 | 5 |
UMTS | 22220 | 432815 | 848m | 340.95 | 4 |
LTE | 62220 | 1707782 | 912m | 337.02 | 3 |
LTE | 45136 | 1277953 | 978m | 216.72 | 1 |
GSM | 220 | 39653 | 1.04km | 323.56 | 2 |
GSM | 220 | 39583 | 1.08km | 321.29 | 1 |
GSM | 220 | 39595 | 1.08km | 321.29 | 1 |
GSM | 220 | 39575 | 1.08km | 321.29 | 1 |
UMTS | 22220 | 432855 | 1.12km | 281.8 | 2 |