Cell Tower Detail: OneNZ - Fanshawe Street Microcell

OneNZ - Fanshawe Street Microcell aerial image

Location Overview

The OneNZ Fanshawe Street Microcell location is 4m high, has 1 licence associated, and is capable* of 2G GSM and 3G UMTS.

Closest Towers

ProviderLocation NameDistanceBearing
SparkVictoria Square204m165.54
OneNZVnue Building29m329.57
2DegreesVictoria St West265m151.69
RCGRAKSMR - Summit Road22.13km268.83

Licence Details

Band 900MHz
944.8MHz - 960MHz
Start Date

Mon 3rd Oct 2016

7 years ago

End Date

Fri 28th Nov 2031

7 years from now

RSM Licence ID114520
RSM Licence #209811

Close Cell IDs OneNZ MMC: 530 MNC: 1

Radio Area Cell Distance from tower Bearing from tower Samples