Location Overview
The OneNZ Taupo Straights West VF C4TSW location is 15m high, has 4 licences associated, and is capable* of 2G GSM, 3G UMTS and 4G LTE.
GIS Geek | LINZ | GMaps | Street View
Closest Towers
Provider | Location Name | Distance | Bearing |
Spark | Caroline Drive | 4.16km | 211.67 |
OneNZ | Taupo East Relocate VF C4TEE | 6.41km | 262.31 |
2Degrees | S_Taupo Straights West | 2m | 244.55 |
RCG | RWKWTN - Waitahanui | 15km | 213.98 |
Licence Details
Close Cell IDs OneNZ MMC: 530 MNC: 1
Radio | Area | Cell | Distance from tower | Bearing from tower | Samples |
LTE | 42592 | 355330 | 1.98km | 18.47 | 2 |
UMTS | 1707 | 62381621 | 2.26km | 156.04 | 11 |
UMTS | 1706 | 62381621 | 2.32km | 355.12 | 12 |
UMTS | 135 | 62387565 | 3.36km | 293.61 | 2 |
GSM | 135 | 35892 | 4.73km | 272.81 | 267 |
UMTS | 1706 | 62381615 | 4.79km | 257.18 | 18 |
GSM | 135 | 9651 | 4.9km | 286.42 | 364 |
GSM | 135 | 6912 | 5.12km | 254.89 | 2190 |