Cell Tower Detail: OneNZ - Whiritoa South VF C2WRS

OneNZ - Whiritoa South VF C2WRS aerial image

Location Overview

The OneNZ Whiritoa South VF C2WRS location is 20m high, has 1 licence associated, and is capable* of 4G LTE.

Closest Towers

ProviderLocation NameDistanceBearing
OneNZWhiritoa South97m195.45
2DegreesS_Whiritoa South1m6.42
RCGRWKWWT - Waitawheta Track15.92km209.09

Licence Details

Band 700MHz
778MHz - 793MHz
Start Date

Fri 16th Apr 2021

3 years ago

End Date

Fri 28th Nov 2031

7 years from now

RSM Licence ID229684
RSM Licence #289504

Close Cell IDs OneNZ MMC: 530 MNC: 1

Radio Area Cell Distance from tower Bearing from tower Samples