Location Overview
The 2Degrees S_Tauranga Bay location is 25m high, has 2 licences associated, and is capable* of 3G UMTS and 4G LTE.
Location Raw Name: (NTH-001-089-A)[VTRB]_S_TAURANGA BAY
GIS Geek | LINZ | GMaps | Street View
Closest Towers
Provider | Location Name | Distance | Bearing |
Spark | Taupo Bay | 10.43km | 286.93 |
OneNZ | Tauranga Bay VF N1TRB | 1m | 187.91 |
2Degrees | S_Matauri Bay | 8.65km | 115.34 |
RCG | RNLTPA - Te Painga | 13.89km | 193.3 |
Licence Details
Close Cell IDs 2Degrees MMC: 530 MNC: 24
Radio | Area | Cell | Distance from tower | Bearing from tower | Samples |
GSM | 202 | 18641 | 8.25km | 219.79 | 5 |
UMTS | 22202 | 270785 | 9.36km | 197.7 | 80 |
UMTS | 22202 | 59104976 | 10.69km | 142.43 | 1 |
UMTS | 22202 | 270175 | 10.77km | 220.2 | 10 |